Wednesday 30 May 2012

Non- SS?

Hello my lovely readers! Here's me ranting...again. No surprise!
Today I wanted to post about how much Non-SS have to put through. Obviously, I was a Non-SS, like everyone else was at one point but I must admit it really wasn't one of my most enjoyable times on Stardoll. I thought just because some members had a star over their head meant they were amazing! How stupid?!
I went to parties and was automatically kicked out because I wasn't wearing an SS Hairstyle or I wasn't wearing Stardollar-worthy clothes. People look down on Non-SS and I must admit I've been one of those people. People prefer to befriend someone who has either been an SS or is an SS just because it looks good on your Friends/Best Friends list. I've met many Non-SS people on Stardoll and they've been absolutely lovely. It shows you mustn't judge someone just because they don't pay to play on a website. I believe there is too much discrimination against Non-SS.

Another thing is Stardollars. Okay so SS' can easily get Stardollars when they top up on their account. Yes, Non-SS can do the same by topping up with just Stardollars. However what if they want to convert their hundreds of Starcoins into Stardollars, it's locked. I've been in this position before when I wasn't a SS. I was actually so frustrated! Even being an SS I reach my limit to convert things! They just have to buy Starcoin products.

Because Non-SS can only pay in Starcoins, Stardoll has to have hardly anything in Starcoins and everything in Stardollars. There is hardly anything for Non-SS to buy. I mean at like the suite shop, there's hardly any decent basic furniture that can be used in there Suites.
Not to mention loads of things are unlocked to them; converting Starcoins, shops, dolls and even suite rooms!

Even if they want to earn Stardollars, Non-SS have to do "simple" tasks. They actually have to download lots of weird programmes, view sites and set up accounts on Sites. Why would kids make an account on I mean, seriously, Stardoll. most of this is all stupid! Do they really want us kids downloading weird Software onto our parents' computers? There's no way a Non-SS can win.

Haha! ^^^ LOL really? Unless you want your members to get viruses!

Which leads me to end off. On Stardoll, Non-SS have the hardest of times since they can only rely on Starcoins and free stuff to get a decent suite and outfit! I honestly think Stardoll should do a little more for the Non-SS. Just because they don't pay, doesn't mean they have to have the hardest of times.
What do you think about all of this? What's your opinion? Please tell me in the comments, I want to know what you think about this!


  1. I totally hear you. I'm a non-ss right now & i'm about to make a post about hows ome SS/SR look down on us.

  2. I am so fustrated too! It is so annoying how royalty is only for the "special" people >:(
