Sunday 13 May 2012

HotBuys and Rares

Hello bloggers! Today I wanted to blog about Hot buys and Rares.
Stradoll is obviously a very popular site and most members try their hardest to get "known". I'll give you a few examples: being on the Top Designers list means your constantly visited, like nena-linda-pink, lenas or sindrella charm. Or you were Miss Stardoll World like ceren.gk, she's visited every minute! Or you can be famous another way. By selling reaaaallllyyyy old rare clothes.
Every so often, Stardoll releases the monthly Hotbuys. I personally don't know what makes them so special, to be honest, some of the designs are awful! I think they're so high in demand, just because they just have "Hotbuys" on the tag. Not to mention, they're so heavily priced. I admit, I have bought them because some of them stood out but why do people pay like 500 Stardollars just for a pair of shorts. Your no going to go out and sport them in the street are you? They're just a bunch of pixels! 
It's the same with the Rares. Stores like LE, Young Hollywood and Antidote only have a limited number of items but the prices are way to steep! I know Stardoll's trying to get money from us but why make us pay 200 Stardollars for a shirt. I personally think some of the designs are decent but I would never pay that much just for a group of pixels!
I understand there's an "industry" on Stardoll, of trading and selling but people get way to competitive and in too much. Then again, Stardoll is fun site but these are just some things that Stardoll rips us for our money.
I worked out that (In British Pounds) that 1 Stardollar costs 2p. Which may seem okay and fairly priced but once added up, is way to steep, even in the midst of the recession!
So what do you think of Rares and Hotbuys?
What do you think of the overly priced items?

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