Wednesday 6 June 2012

Active Writers & Galaxia

Hmm...I've appointed many writers for this blog but only a few are actually posting and if the are, not very often. If some writers aren't active, I will remove them from the blog. This is a warning people!

Anyway, I wanted to post about Today's Covergirl, Galaxia.

She was wearing a very unusual outfit and stuff so I decided to check her out. I came to this:

I read her presentation and it goes on about how she's half-alien and half-human which I though was a bunch of crap! I thought, "Oh, this another one of those stupid kids who try to make up stupid stories and get attention," Then I realised, she's Stardoll Staff! Wait, how can Stardoll Staff become Covergirl?
I then did a little more digging and found this:

So, basically, Stardoll has created her as like a "Superhero" to make us be a bit more environmentally friendly. First off, with most of us members being teens, we won't believe this whole "Superhero" thing unless it involves free give-aways. Also, most of us will laugh at the fact that she says she's from another planet, we all know this is just stupid. 
There's two types of people in this; the people who are totally up for it and ready to get environmentally friendly, and then the people who are totally against it (like me). 
Yeah, I might do these four missions otherwise I'm actually not bothered. And to be honest the way they've made her Covergirl to promote is sort of stupid.
What do you think of all of this? 
Will you be up for Glaxia or just screaming at your screen?

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